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12 January 2015

How do you do it?!

How do you do it?!

So,  I just learned that there was another blog challenge from my friends over at Te@chThought.  I'm a little behind so I've decided to choose the prompts from the first two weeks that inspired me the most and hopefully, I'll catch up!  Before I get into my first post of the January Blog Challenge, I'd just like to say that I am a firm believer that the universe really answers you.  I was just saying the other day that I needed to get back to my blog and was thinking how great it was that Te@chThought gave me so many great prompts through their past challenges, I didn't know how I'd get back to blogging.  Lo and behold, as I scrolled through my Twitter feed the other day, I saw that there was a January Challenge and I thought to myself, ¨How perfect!¨ And here I am...

The first prompt that caught my attention was: 

How am I going to update myself professionally?

This morning, while photocopying from my newest materials acquired through the grant I had mentioned in a previous post, (but definitely worth saying thanks again to IACE (The Italian American Committee on Education) -  GRAZIE MILLE!! ), I asked one of my students to help me with my Google Classroom.  David is pretty much a genius at these things.  He set up our Italian Honor Society webpage, our Twitter account and has been lending a hand to teachers with their sites.  As I was asking him for the help, I realized how overwhelmed I am feeling--and we've only just come back from a nice two-week break. 

I would like to appeal to all those teachers out there who might be able to help me with tips, ideas, or even just moral support.  I am new to blogging, Twitter, Google sites and Google Classroom.  The possibilities seem endless but inevitable if I am to be updated professionally.  I made a web page through Google sites - and I'm pretty proud of it. I did it with some help through a training class.  My next focus was to try and get my Google Classroom set up and streamlined.  Well, the set up part sort of happened.  Then all the new materials arrived and I was so excited that Google Classroom fell to the wayside. The excitement of new materials made Google Classroom I would just get around to - eventually. Now I really want to because I have been using Google Docs and having my students share work with me and it occurs to me that things would just be easier to find, stored in neat folders if I had not been sidetracked and just set up my Google Classroom. Sigh.

So my questions are the following: How does one maintain a website, a Google Classroom, a Twitter account, teach, grade, plan, blog and have a family all at the same time and be good at all of it? Is it possible? What things should I choose that will help me the most professionally?  I want to be the best teacher I can be. I want to be relevant and updated but at what cost? What will suffer for it (if anything)? 

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