What is one area of digital learning that you want to improve on in 2015? How are you going to do this?
I think that this post will go hand-in-hand with yesterday's post. In my previous post, How do you do it?!, I have expressed my concerns about staying relevant and staying up-to-date professionally. My goal for 2015 is to get a handle on how I can maintain various formats (blog, Twitter, Google Classroom, etc) and come to some resolution as to which are the most important/effective. The best way I can think to improve in this area is to do what I did in the previous post--ask for help! I have asked for comments/ideas from fellow teachers and I am enlisting the help of a student for my Google Classroom. It's liberating to admit that I need help and that I am not an expert. Often, I think that teachers are expected to have all the answers and not just by our students. It is something we place upon ourselves. I'm learning every day from my students and from my colleagues. When and if I am able to achieve this goal, I promise to share!
I think Ss really enjoying helping Ts learn!