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10 September 2014

Day 10 Blogging Challenge 5-4-3-2-1

When I first looked through the questions, I thought that this was going to be an easy one!  I guess I felt like one of my students who are so relieved when they realize all they need to do is provide an answer in list form. You can see the relief on their faces and sometimes it is quite audible- "Yes! No full sentences!" Yet somehow, I have read, reread and reread the prompts. Making this list is going to be a bit more difficult than counting backwards from 5 but when I sign up for a challenge, I don't give up.  So here goes...

5 Random Facts About Me

1.  Last year I ran my very first 10k race on one of the most difficult routes in this particular run series--and I finished!
2.  I started out as an elementary education major before switching to secondary education even though at that point, I was almost sure I wasn't even going to be a teacher but it was a smoother transfer within the university and allowed me to graduate on time.
3.  I love to sit by the pool reading a good book more than ever actually going into the pool.
4.  I am a control freak.
5.  Although I love music to the point of recognizing songs within milliseconds (why is Name that Tune NOT on anymore?!) and have been moved to tears by music, I have ZERO musical ability.

4 Things on my bucket list

1.  I want to be a published author. (Not self-published - I've already written a self-published bilingual Italian/English children's book)
2. I want to visit every region in Italy before I decide where to purchase a property. (I only have 7 to go...)
3.  I want to become a polyglot.
4.  I want to run a half marathon.

3 Things I hope for this year as a "person" or as an educator.

1.  I hope to be a more positive person pushing out the negativity that can surround me.
2.  I hope to be able to collaborate more with my colleagues (both in my district and my new virtual ones through this challenge!)
3.  I hope to be more patient in general.

2 Things that made me laugh or cry as an educator

1. A few years ago, I had to go to the wakes for two of my students' parents. As a parent myself, it was heartbreaking to see their pain and know that their lives were changed too early.
2.  Ever since I have started teaching all age levels, I have really gotten a good few laughs from my 4 year old groups. You just never know what's going to come out of their mouths. In one class we were practicing asking your name and how you were etc. and I asked Come ti chiami ? (What is your name?) to which this 6 year old replied "Mi chiamo Buffalo Chicken Wing."

1 Thing that I wish more people to know about me

I am more approachable than people might think.

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